Volume 3, No. 2, 2015

Influence of Addition of Silver and Sifbronze Flux in Wetting and Spreading of Zn50 Alloys on Mild Steel Substrate (SAE1018)
Mbam S.O and Nwigbo S.C
Inter J Appl Sci Engr, 2015, 3(2): 33-37.

This work investigated the influence of addition of silver and sifbronze flux in wetting and spreading of Zn50 alloys on mild steel substrate. Seven (7) Zn50 alloys obtained in a design of experiments by Scheffe mixture method were subjected to the investigations. The wettability of the investigated Zn50 alloys was examined in a spread test. An optimum flow temperature of 740OC was used as predicted by the calculation of phase diagrams of the alloying elements. The spread test was done using a carburizing flame of oxyacetylene gas in an open air and under protective atmosphere of sifbronze flux. The influence of silver on wetting and spreading properties of the alloys were determined by its spread area on mild steel substrate and the influence of sifbronze flux was determined by the measurement of the degree of active atmospheric gases entrapment. The spreading test showed a beneficial influence in addition of silver up to 4.00%wt in wetting properties of the zinc-based alloys on mild steel substrate. It was also observed that sifbronze flux offered required shielding against excess influx of active atmospheric gases which are known to inhibit wetting of zinc-based alloy on mild steel substrate. The spread area increased with increase in the chemical flux up to 1g.

Keywords: Alloys, Experimental design, Mild steel, Silver, Surface tension and flux, Temperature, Wetting, Zinc

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Effect of Personal and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Households on Sweet Potato Consumption and Utilization in South East Agro-Ecological Zone, Nigeria
Ezeano CI
Inter J Appl Sci Engr, 2015, 3(2): 38-42.

The study x-rayed the effect of personal and socio-economic characteristics of households on sweet potato consumption and utilization in south east agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. Specifically, the study identified the personal and socio-economic characteristics of sweet potato consumers in south east agro-ecological zone of Nigeria and also determined the effect of these personal and socio-economic characteristics of sweet potato consumers on sweet potato consumption and utilization in the zone and its implication for extension and food security. A structured interview questionnaire was used to elicit information from seventy-two (72) sweet potato consumers randomly selected from four communities in the three states in the study area and this formed the sample size. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The result revealed that age of the sweet potato consumer heads, gender, household size which is number of the people in the family, and number of years they have utilized and consumed sweet potato positively and significantly affected sweet potato consumption and utilization in the study area. However it was also revealed that the contact or visit made by nutritionists/block extension agents to the sweet potato consumers were negative indicating that the nutritionist did not disseminate enough useful information about sweet potato consumption and utilization to the consumers. It was then recommended that more nutritionist should be employed to increase the number of visit paid to the consumers and vigorous campaign should be carried out by extension agency on the consumption and utilization of sweet potato products to ensure food security and poverty alleviation.

Keywords: Nigeria, Personal and socio-economic characteristics, Southeast agro-ecological zone, Sweet potato consumption and utilization

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