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Publishing Ethics: Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. It is assumed that all named authors agree with the contents and form of the manuscript and are responsible for the validity and originality of data contained therein. Submitted manuscripts are subjected to check for Similarity Index with the published papers in different journals and various internet sources.
Preparation of manuscript: Manuscript should be prepared in English language. It must be clear and concise. All the manuscripts must comply with the journal instructions. Failure to do so will result in return of manuscript and delay in publication process. We ensure quick review and publication process, therefore, authors’ cooperation is highly encouraged in this regards. Manuscript should be preferably prepared in Word 2003 and should be sent through email address ( for quick review and publication process.
- Article should be double spaced.
- A4 size paper with 1″ margin on each side
All pages must be numbered in the upper right corner and line-numbered continuously.
Manuscript must be prepared in Time New Roman and font size 12.
Title: The title of the paper should be complete, comprehensive and should denote the essence of work.
Names of authors and their affiliations: Each author should be identified using superscript alphabets. The corresponding author’s name should also carry asterisk for identification.
Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 400 words. It should contain the objective, methods use to conduct the research, clear description of results and brief conclusion drawn from the results.
Keywords: Keywords should not exceed 4-6 words.
Introduction: This section should provide information on importance of the problem and clear objective of the study. It must highlight background of the problem in the light of recent literature, hypothesis to be tested and objectives
Materials and Methods: All procedures, analytical methods, experimental design and preliminary materials should be to the point and explicit.
Results: The results from the experiment including their statistical detail should be presented graphically or in table form. In this section, results obtained should be recorded in text form and table data should not be repeated.
Discussion: Detailed discussion should be produced in this section with relevant references preferably most recent citation should be included. Discussion should be logical and reflecting the originality of the contribution and findings discussed in the light of most recent literature.
Conclusions: conclusions should be brief and reflect the essence of the work.
References: List of references should be arranged alphabetically in the following style.
Reference to a journal publication:
Manganelli R, E Dubnau, S Tyagi, FR Kramer and I Smith, 1999. Differential expression of 10 sigma factor genes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Molecular Microbiology, 31(2): 715-724.
Zager EM and R McNerney, 2008. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. BMC Infect Dis, 8: 10.
Reference to a book:
Shredin J and EB White, 2009. Application of Probiotics in Poultry Production. 1st edition.McNamara,New York.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
Mitten SJ and B Adams, 1999. Reproduction in ruminants, in: James S and Bowling J (editors), Ruminant Physiology. M-Publishing Inc, Washington, pp: 281-299.
Tables and Illustration: Should be arranged at the end
Submission: The manuscript must be submitted through email address (